Tuesday, April 19, 2022

So close, yet so far

This semester is coming to an end soon and I can't wait! Before Spring break I started to feel myself getting burned out. Juggling a full time job and going to school full time can get tough. I have moments where I feel really unmotivated to do anything after I get home from work, but I just have to force myself to do what I gotta do. The finish line is so close, yet so far. It's almost hard to be excited that the semester is over because I'm still taking a class or two during the Summer. But I guess one to two classes is easier than four, so it shouldn't be too bad. Are you guys taking any classes during the Summer?


  1. Juggling a full-time job and taking a full-load of college classes is no easy task!

    Keep up the hard work Adriana ^_^

    We are approaching the final quarter of IS101-3010, Spring 2022 :-)

  2. I have yet to feel burnt out, I think it's because I actually used my spring break, as a break. Most times I force myself to do work during my spring break.

  3. I've been burnt out for the last five or so years...I guess I just push through it. I don't really have a choice.

    Downshifting this summer will be good, though.

  4. I have definitely started to feel the burn out coming along. Especially once I started working at nights.

  5. Let's stay strong everyone! Not only are we almost done with this semester, but we'll all hopefully be one step closer to finishing our degrees!

  6. I can't wait for this semester to end!

  7. I completely get where you're coming from, if I wasn't taking summer classes I'd be just as excited for a break lol.

  8. I'm taking 2 math classes this summer.

  9. Keep pushing, you are almost done.

  10. I am glad the semester is coming to an end. We are almost there. I am iffy about Summer I can't decide yet. I am definitely taking classes in Fall though.

  11. I can't wait for Summer, recently my wife got a new job so balancing being a parent full time as well as a student full time doesn't leave much for free time.

  12. Yes! I am only taking one through since I am trying to get a part time job as well.
