Friday, March 11, 2022

Threaded Discussion 06

In this section I learned how to properly format a page on a Word document by utilizing newly introduced features. I enjoyed learning how to use the tab stops and dot leaders when creating a table of some sort on a document. The dot leaders help create a cleaner and more precise table, this feature is often used to format a table a contents. In this section I also learned how to change page orientation on a singular page within the word document without changing the orientation of the other pages. It sounds like a simple task, but I had no idea how to do that without changing the whole document. I also enjoyed this section because I was able to take the information learned and apply it to my everyday office job.


  1. The tab stops and dot leaders definitely make a table of content (not a table/grid) look cleaner and more precise!

    Yes, changing the orientation for a single page and a group of pages without changing the orientation for the entire document is very helpful ^_^

    I'm elated to hear that you not only enjoyed Chapter 4 Microsoft Word but is able to apply what you learned to your everyday office job :-)

  2. It's gratifying when you can actually apply something from a class on a day-to-day basis! It feels like you're actually getting your money's worth (for once).

    I've already used skills I've picked up here at work as well.

  3. This class should be the first class everybody has to take before anything else. It is helping me with every day-to-day task.

  4. I agree tab stops and dot leaders can make things look much cleaner.

  5. I agree it makes a document look more put together and professional.

  6. Tab stops and dot headers are a great feature that I enjoyed learning as well. I believe it will help me when I take other courses later this semester.

  7. I can't really explain why but when I reached that section in Labsims, I could remember being a child and seeing those dot leaders in a book's table of contents and wondering how they were made. But now I know!

  8. Tab stop and dot leaders was a very interesting topic for me as well. I usually see dot leaders on table of contents and thought how cool. I had no idea they were called dot leaders by the way. Years ago when I did my own paper, I did it the hard way because I didn't know the right and easier way.

  9. Learning about the tab stops and dot headers was great. I always wondered how that was possible.

  10. In this class you'll be learning a lot more! Keep up the good work!

  11. Yes, that was new to me as well. Especially tab stop.

  12. dot leaders make the page much easier to read in my opinion
