Friday, May 13, 2022


Finals week has kicked my butt. I am so glad it's over now. Just one more class session to go and then we're done for the semester! Overall I really enjoyed my time in this class. I learned a lot of information that I can actually use in my day to day life. I wish I could say that for my other classes, but that's just not the case. I'm also gonna miss the dynamic of the class and how helpful Professor Wu is. I honestly wish he taught more classes at CSN. Anywhoo I hope you all have a great Summer! Do you guys have any fun plans?

Friday, May 6, 2022

Wet Paint

These past few days my dad has been helping me paint my room. It's almost done and it's looking great!  I was going for a classy gothic look. The color scheme is gray through out the room. The wall that the headboard is resting on it is a dark gray and so is the arc at the bathroom entrance, while the rest of the room is a light gray.

I also had a random idea to paint the bathroom a glossy black. Not the entire bathroom just the toilet room. It looks really cool. Who would've thought that black walls looked so good in a bathroom.

Friday, April 29, 2022


A few days ago I watched a movie called Midsommar. My friends have been raving about it since it came out. I finally got around to watch it. Overall I thought it was pretty good, but I don't think it'd be a movie I'd rewatch. It's basically about a group of college friends that go to one of their friend's hometown town. The friend described his hometown as a very small rural community that's really intact with nature. So the group of friends travel to the middle of nowhere in Sweden to spend a few days there. Turns out the community is actually a cult and they pluck each friend one by one in really creepy ways.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

6.5.1 Slide Master

I really enjoyed learning about slide master. Slide master is a tool used to help keep the consistency of the formatting within the different slides of the presentation. When using the slide master tool, you're able to add an image on the first slide of your presentation in order for it to translate exactly the same on all of the other slide. I find this really useful because if you're going to add the same image on all the slide in the same spot, might as well save time and only do it on the first slide.

Friday, April 22, 2022


I'm personally not the biggest fan of fast food. Although when I am craving a burger, my go to is always In-N-Out. I just find those burgers to be better quality than the majority of other fast food burgers. They also win me over with their spread sauce. In-N-Out has the best thousand island sauce! I always ask for extra packets on the side, enough to dip my fries and burger in. I order the same thing every time. I get a double single with no onions and add pickles. A double single is a double cheeseburger with just one slice of cheese instead of two, which makes a big difference. The only slightly annoying part is that In-N-Out is always packed. The drive through line is always ridiculously long, I've waited like 20 minutes in line before. But the point is, I still waited because it's always worth the wait.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

So close, yet so far

This semester is coming to an end soon and I can't wait! Before Spring break I started to feel myself getting burned out. Juggling a full time job and going to school full time can get tough. I have moments where I feel really unmotivated to do anything after I get home from work, but I just have to force myself to do what I gotta do. The finish line is so close, yet so far. It's almost hard to be excited that the semester is over because I'm still taking a class or two during the Summer. But I guess one to two classes is easier than four, so it shouldn't be too bad. Are you guys taking any classes during the Summer?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Threaded Discussion TD07

A new skill I learned during this section was in 5.7.3. I learned how effective it is to use named cells and ranges in an Excel spreadsheet. By simply highlighting the desired range and adding a tittle to the name box on the top left of the ribbon, you're able to refer to that particular range by the name you assigned it to. This tool comes in handy when you are trying to refer to a cell range further down in the same Excel sheet or in different sheets among the same workbook. I actually started to utilize this tool at work. It's a small technique that helps make your sheet look cleaner and more professional.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Comfort Shows

One of my favorite shows is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.. The character development is really interesting as the seasons progress. I love Charlie Day, he stays consistently funny throughout the whole show. They also came out with a new season this year and it's surprisingly still funny. It's surprising because its their 15th season and somehow they manage to still remain relevant and up to date with their jokes.

At this point I'm basically rewatching episodes as if I had nothing better to watch. Why do we tend to do that? Rewatch comfort shows even though we can almost predict the punch line, yet it's still funny every time. And sometimes you just want to have a show on in the background while you do other things, you know? It's Always Sunny and The Office are the only shows I'm able to rewatch and genuinely enjoy every time. They're great background shows. What are your comfort shows?

Friday, April 1, 2022


I can finally feel the stress melting off. I can breathe now!! At least for now... 
It's a plus that I don't have any big tests to study for soon, so I really can't complain.
I also like to treat myself after a productive few weeks of studying/heavy work load so I'll be going to a concert this Saturday. I am STOKED! I'll be seeing Beartooth and The Devil Wears Prada at the Brooklyn Bowl with a few friends and cousins. I think the genre is self explanatory when you read the band names haha, its a heavy metal concert. I'm ready to break my neck from all the head banging I'm gonna be doing sooo if you see me with a neck brace next Saturday, you'll know I had a great time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Study Tips?

This past week has been so stressful for me... I'm so glad I'm finally done with my midterms! But unfortunately, the stress isn't over yet. I have a pretty big test I need to study for during this week for my PreCalc class. I'm kind of nervous about it, but hopefully I'll be less nervous by the end of the week after my 4 day cramming spree. Speaking of studying, I've been struggling a bit with how to study for math. I usually go over the recorded lectures for the section and stop the video as I do the examples along with the videos, but I don't think it's doing enough. Any study tips??

Friday, March 11, 2022

Threaded Discussion 06

In this section I learned how to properly format a page on a Word document by utilizing newly introduced features. I enjoyed learning how to use the tab stops and dot leaders when creating a table of some sort on a document. The dot leaders help create a cleaner and more precise table, this feature is often used to format a table a contents. In this section I also learned how to change page orientation on a singular page within the word document without changing the orientation of the other pages. It sounds like a simple task, but I had no idea how to do that without changing the whole document. I also enjoyed this section because I was able to take the information learned and apply it to my everyday office job.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Why am I taking IS 101?

The main reason I took this class was because it was a prerequisite for my major. So far I've been enjoying the class. Although when I first signed up for IS 101 and realized it was a 3 hour class, I was honestly dreading it. But now I feel like 3 hours isn't enough and I'll usually end up staying longer after class to finish up assignments.

Proudest moment?

My proudest moment actually happened recently. I was so proud of myself when I passed the MOS exam! The MOS exam was one of three exams I needed to take over a period of 4 days. Let's just say I was a tad bit stressed the past few days... But after completing all of the exams and feeling confident that I scored well, made me feel like I was on top of the world. I even went out to celebrate!☺

Friday, February 25, 2022


Wingstop is one of my favorite go to spots. Something about their mango habanero sauce that keeps bringing me back. I also love that they have an option to get all flats or all drumsticks, I totally take advantage of that and get all flats. I like how much crispier the wings are when they're flats versus of drums. As of recent, I've been ordering half mango habanero and half atomic with a side of veggie sticks. The atomic sauce is the spiciest flavor they have, it's pretty addicting. It has a nice kick to it, guaranteed to open up your sinuses. The trick is to eat a veggie sticks in between each wing to help with the spice. Not gonna lie, when I eat the atomic wings I feel like I'm on an episode of "Hot Ones." I think I can take on the last sauce on that show, bring out The Last Dab!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

2.5.7 ISP Service Types

Within this section I learned the different types of internet connections that there has been. When the internet first came out, dial up was the form of internet connection. When you wanted internet connection then, you would need to make a phone call to the ISP. Dial up uses analog signals to send internet connection to the computer, while it does so, a loud sound is made which literally means it's making the connection. One of the down sides to dial up is that internet connection is slower. DSL internet connection is similar to dial up because both use a phone connection. But with DSL you are able to use both the phone and internet at the same time, unlike with dial up. In this section, I also learned what fiber optic  connection is. With fiber optic connection, it send signal with light rather than with electricity. Fiber optic connection is far quicker than DSL and dial up. One of it's only down sides is that, fiber optic is very expensive, therefore its still not used as often as other connections. 

Last Monday, a sales representative from Cox came to the office where I work. Since I'm the receptionist, the majority of the people who come into the office, I deal with. That unfortunately includes sales people who try to pitch their ideas to the company I work at. About 95% of them give their sales pitch to me. So when the Cox rep came in, his pitch was regarding us transferring over to optic fiber service type because they were having a "promotion" on this form of internet connection. As he is explaining what optic fibers had to offer, I was just surprised I knew exacting everything he was talking about and afterwards I was able to give a summation of the cox promotion to my coworkers to see if we were interested.

Monday, February 7, 2022

1.2.2 Web and Internet Facts

In section 1.2.2 we learned about a few general web facts such as IP Addresses, ISP, and HTML are. Before taking this class, I generally knew what an IP Address was but not what it's actual function is. So now I know that each computer has an already assigned Internet Protocol address. In addition, I learned what the Internet of Things mean and realized that I constantly use this in my daily life. Internet of Things generally means that a physical device which has connection to the internet and is able to communicate shared data through things such as barcodes or QR codes. Ever since the pandemic started and few restaurants and bars have physical menus anymore to avoid more than one person touching the same menu. So barcodes and QR codes are now how you access most menus when you go out nowadays. I scan the code on my phone and their menu pops up on my safari instantly.

Friday, February 4, 2022


Last Wednesday I went to an open mic night for the first time as a first date. We went to Wiseguys, its a local comedy club located in downtown. It was a great experience and would definitely check that place out again for open mic nights, they have them every Wednesday. The two hour show was only $5 for entry and you get to sit through about fifteen comics preform their stand up. There are some really funny people who go up and tell local jokes that only people who live in Vegas would find hilarious. But just like there were some good ones, there were some bad ones unfortunately. For example there was this one guy whos first time preforming happened to be that night. His whole stand up revolved about him being anxious about it being his first time and how he had forgotten all of his material.... and thats it. To this day, I still don't know if that really was his material or if he actually had forgotten all of it haha. Regardless, it was pretty entertaining to watch and recommend you guys checking it out (:

Saturday, January 22, 2022

First Impression

Overall my first impression of this class is that it seems very tedious. There seems to be an assignment due almost every night. I think this class will definitely keep me on my toes and help create healthier habits, such as working ahead on assignments and not wait till the last moment to do them. I enjoy the structure of the class and how assignments are completed and turned in. In the beginning, it was a bit overwhelming having to learn how to navigate TestOut and student email as suggested. But with more practice, I'm sure it'll all be muscle memory.